Sunday, 22 December 2013

Paper quilled flower bouquet for christmas

I love flowers a lot!! When I started quilling I had spend lot of time in making different kind of flowers. This time I tried to make a flower bouquet using simple fringed flowers and simple quilled eye shape.

Bouquet using fringed flowers

Steps to make quilled flower bouquet

I made ten small fringed flowers using whatever color strips are available there in my box except green. Green strips are used for leaves and leaf petals. Long and small eye shapes are used for making leaves and one or two loosely coiled green strips as petals to make it more beautiful.

To make a real bouquet look, a basket is made using eye shapes in brown color.

How to make flower basket

To make flower basket I have used 17 brown eye shapes. Arrange the eye shapes like one in the bottom layer, two on second layer, three on third and so on until we get a basket size of our wish. On top of the basket arrange the flowers like a heap and fix the leaves and petals in sides and gaps.


  1. your flowers are really cool. and thanks for visiting my place and liking my work.
    i think you are new in blogging.... if i am right then Wellcome to blogland...

    1. Thank you Fatima. I started blogging 2 weeks back only. Thanks for you feedback.

  2. ¡Qué belleza, qué manos para hacer cosas tan bonitas!
    ¡Te deseo lo mejor en este año 2014 que acabamos de comenzar!
    Feliz semana.
